Price in USD


Total Supply

Market Cap

see FAQ
100 Billion
150 Billion +
About the AllCarib Coin
The AllCarib Coin is a coin with a purpose. It was created in 2021 to address the reality of the hard economic decline which the Caribbean region experienced due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Covid-19 caused a major disruption in the lives of the people of the Caribbean and their economies.
The Tourism Industry was hit the hardest. Tourism is the main contributor to the gross domestic product (GDP) of many of the Caribbean countries.
International Banks pulled out of the region., making it even more difficult for people to get loans to start new businesses and harder for businesses to grow and expand.
Governments struggled to meet the financial needs of the people in their respective countries
Cryptocurrencies serve as a medium of exchange and store of value while removing the need for a central party to serve as a guarantor, e.g. a central bank.
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